Are Domestic Violence Support Groups Helpful?

Experiencing a domestic violence situation is traumatic and can cause a survivor to feel isolated and confused. The survivor may find it difficult to trust anyone, resulting in hesitating to share what they have gone through. That is entirely understandable. 

Yet, the reality is that a support group among people who have had similar experiences can often provide victims with comfort and healing. A domestic violence support group offers a safe and caring environment for survivors of abusive relationships so that they don’t have to face the aftermath of their trauma all alone. 

How Can A Support Group Help Domestic Violence Victims? 

Domestic violence support groups offer:

  • A supportive atmosphere that allows survivors to improve skills to cope with challenges
  • Educational opportunities, such as a psychologist or social worker, to talk about a topic related to the group’s needs
  • Leadership by others who have been through similar experiences or are skilled in helping others to manage their situation
  • Helpful resources for survivors to help them address challenges they may face, such as assistance in finding agencies that provide economic help, housing, and more

What Are Some Benefits of Attending a Domestic Violence Support Group? 

Benefits of participating in domestic violence support groups include:

  • Alleviating feelings of loneliness and isolation 
  • Reduction of stress, depression, anxiety, or fatigue
  • Having a space to share openly and honestly about experiences and emotions
  • Help in gaining a feeling of empowerment, control, and hope

At Bridges Domestic Violence Center, we offer resources and support so you can free yourself and your loved ones from danger and begin to live a safe, independent, and happy life. 

If you find yourself in a domestic violence situation, you can reach out to us here for help. We offer many services to help, from shelter and batterer’s intervention to child advocacy and protection for your fur babies.

Additionally, if you are interested in donating or becoming a volunteer, we welcome your participation!

We are a member agency of United Way of Greater Nashville.

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How Does Domestic Abuse Affect Mental Health?